Is shipping free?
Yes!  We will ship anywhere in the US for free. 

Can I place an order from outside the United States?
Sorry, we do not take international orders at this time

Are your vinyl stickers suitable for cars?
Yes!  The vinyl stickers are made with the same material as bumper stickers. They have a strong adhesive back and are water and weather resistant. 

Do you hate the LGBTQ community?
No, we do not hate anyone. We do, however, wholeheartedly disagree with the left's goal to encourage sexual deviancy, their targeting of children with inappropriate content, and any manipulative attempts to pressure people into becoming "allies" to their ideology. 

Do you advocate for discrimination against the LGBTQ community?

No, we believe people within the LGBTQ community should be held to the same standards and subject to the same laws everyone else is.

Is the Family Values Flag a Pro-Life flag?
Yes, the Family Values Flag also stands for Pro-Life values such as: all people are valuable, all babies deserve the right to be born, children are the natural blessings of traditional marriage, children deserve a mother and a father if possible, and babies can only result from heterosexual union. 

Is this a Christian flag?
While the designers of the flag are Roman Catholic, and what the flag represents is certainly in accordance with the Christian faith, the Family Values Flag is for sane people of ANY faith, or even no faith, who wish to promote the ideals of traditional marriage, heterosexual love, and the reality that there are only two genders: male and female.

Can I share your website on social media / with my pastor / with my friends?
Absolutely! We hope you will share the website on social media, via email, or by word of mouth with anyone who may be interested in our products.